16 ene 2009

Celebrations on New Year Eve & resolution by


31 of December, New Year Eve. This is a great day, I was with my father's family, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents, also with my parents and my brothers. I had dinner, I ate a lot and a lot of things, at twelve O'clock we had the twelve grapes and we drank chanpagne. Then I went out with my cousins, we had met with other friends. We did a party and we did the crazy, at four O'clock I went to bed. It was a great day.


I ate a lot of food with my family in my uncles's house.Later , my cousin and me played to playstation 2 a long time .
In the morning we ate again en the uncle's house with my family and played to cards.And my cousin and me went to my house all day to play, eat, play, and more play.

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